
Agradwip Karmakar

Software Engineer

Machine Learning Engineer

About Me

Hello! I'm Agradwip Karmakar. I'm 21 years old, and I live in Durgapur, West Bengal. I'm currently puruing my graduation as a final year student with a major in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur. I'm a self-taught coder with a passion for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Let's connect and explore how we can bring innovation and transformation to the realm of data science and technology.


National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

Nov 2020 -

B.Tech in Electrical Engineering

I'm a final year student and pursuing B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering with a GPA of 7.64.

Guru Teg Bahadur Public School, Durgapur


Major in Science

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Durgapur


Major in Science


Rice Image Detection

In the dataset there are 5 types(or 5 classes) of rice images namely Arborio, Basmati, Ipsala, Jasmine, Karacadag. These contains 15000 images each and a total of 60000 images. The dataset is collected from kaggle. The link of the kaggle dataset iis given below. View Dataset This project is based upon single class image recognition. The model is based upon Convolutional Neural Network. The model predicts that what type of rice is in the given image. The model is build using a tool named tensorflow(by google) and using Jupyter Notebook in Anaconda Navigator.

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Indian Liver Patient Prediction Using Classification

Predicts whether the patient is a liver patient or not. About the dataset. There are some independent variables: (All of these are float type variables) 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Total_Bilirubin 4. Direct_Bilirubin 5. Alkaline_Phosphotase 6. Alamine_Aminotransferase 7. Aspartate_Aminotransferase 8. Total_Protiens 9. Albumin 10. Albumin_and_Globulin_Ratio. Age There is a dependent variable : Dataset (Which is a int type variable consisting of level of the disease). About the model. I used tensorflow for the model creation for Logistic Regression (Best classifier for this dataset). The libraries used are tensorflow, matplotlib, sklearn, numpy, pandas.

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Prediction of Diabetes Using ANN

Predicts whether the patient is a diabetes patient or not.About the dataset. There are some independent variables: (All of these are float type variables). Pregnancies, Glucose, Blood Pressure, Skin Thickness, Insulin, BMI, Diabetes Pedigree Function Age There is a dependent variable : Outcome (Which is a binary type variable) About the model. I used pytorch for the model creation and using a class my_ann. The libraries used are pytorch, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, numpy, pandas. I gave 3000 epochs for training of the model. First layer consists of 20 attributes, second layer consists of 20 attributes and the last layer 2 attributes.

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